ok.yg ni lamer da tulis.tp xpublish.haha
Hi girls!
How's ur weekend?
Mine was superb great!
I just arrived from singapore yesterday.
After all i still think our country is the best place ever. <3
Anyhow,if u wish to go for holiday,
There is quite expensive.
N especially for girls,
Ur money will crying for sure.haha
fyi,when i go to woodlands,
Beauty fair is on the season!
So definitely my eyes were dancing.
N money too T_T.
The final nite,i went to bugis street.
Just nearby the hotel,so we decided to walk.
I did buy some tshirt,fridge magnet (must have rite?),shoes,keychain etc..
I also go to national library,
What a big library they have,
Unfortunately its nite n they already closed.
Btw,guys,u can also find persian food@clarke quay with belly dancer coming to ur table.
So,if ur wallet is drowning of money,
Please go to singapore.haha
Just dun forget to invite me ya!
Take care uols!
&thanks my dear for accompanied me sent car for servicing.luvya!
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